Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Beginning


The last flickers of light are fading to black on Rings. My last short film. My first real short film for all intents and purposes. It found its way into a couple of festivals, and a few hearts of friends and of course my mother.

Despite its flaws and its distance from the effectiveness in some ways of the original script - I'm proud of it. Deeply proud. But it is time to move on. One film afterall does not a reel make.

Three months ago I found myself wondering what the hell do I do next. How could I make a film beyond the comforts and perks of film school? Of free crew? Of available friends? Friends whose whereabouts you knew about? To be honest I don't know. But taking the advice of at least one of the dozens of "how to make it in hollywood" books I own - I just starting writing.

What emerged was Pretend. A sweet short film that I think allows me to tell a simple story. Not drive home a message, though it of course has one. But to tell a story - and to tell it well. Hopefully. God willing as my mom would say. I'm still paying back the loan I took to make the last short - but come hell or highwater (most likely both) I'm determined to begin production on the next one.

It is my intention to chronicle this feat through the end. Be it successful - or staggeringly, embarrasingly un. Something tells me however that if I see it through to the end - it'll at the very least get made. And really thats all I could ask for. Right?

So what have I got? I've got a third draft. Notes from Angel. And the silent understanding from good friend and former cinematic collaborator Christina that she'll be shooting it. And a sketch I did of the lead character Eddie.

I've started with rougher edges.

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